The impacts of La Nina has resulted in above average rainfall across Australia in 2022.  

Every year between November and April Queensland usually experiences its wet season. However, the total rainfall last month was three times the long-term average for Brisbane, and the wet weather is expected to continue.

Transurban’s General Manager Assets Queensland Angelo Lambrinos said our teams are preparing for the wet season and it is important for motorists do the same.

“We know heavy rain can make roads slippery and reduce visibility for motorists. Already this year our team has observed more than 387 incidents during wet weather across our South East Queensland motorways, and more than 89 in New South Wales.”

“Wet weather incidents are preventable, and by driving to conditions and obeying reduced speed signs you can help to keep yourself and other motorists safe on the roads,” said Angelo.

Transurban’s Head of Road Safety Liz Waller said all the usual driving tips apply in wet weather, they simply become even more important when it rains.

“People shouldn’t underestimate simple steps like planning your journey, checking the weather forecast and avoiding travel in extreme weather whenever possible.”



Other important tips include:

  • Check your vehicle, including your tyres, wind screen wipers, headlights and brake lights
  • Drive to the conditions: reduce your speed and increase the gap between you and the vehicle in front
  • Follow at a safe distance and beware of vulnerable motorists, like motorcyclists
  • Consider alternative routes


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