Corporate governance

Transurban is committed to good governance, transparency and accountability. The Board believes this is essential for the long-term performance and sustainability of our business, and to protect and enhance the interests of security holders and other stakeholders.

Transurban’s governance framework plays a critical role in helping the business deliver on its strategy. It provides the structure through which business objectives are set, performance is monitored, and risks are managed. It includes a framework for decision making across the business and provides guidance on the standards of behaviour expected of Transurban's people.

Transurban complied with the 4th edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (the ASX Principles and Recommendations) for the year ended 30 June 2024.

Transurban’s governance framework and main governance practices for the year ended 30 June 2024 are detailed in our 2024 Corporate Governance Statement. This statement, together with Transurban's ASX Appendix 4G, which is a checklist cross-referencing the ASX Principles and Recommendations to the relevant disclosures in Transurban's Corporate Governance Statement, FY24 Corporate Report and website, was lodged with the ASX on 8 August 2024.

The key governance documents referred in the 2024 Corporate Governance Statement can be accessed below:

Board and Board committees

Conduct and ethics policies and procedures


Continuous disclosure

Other governance matters